The International Commission of Jurists (Victoria) invites you to its annual Rule of Law Oration, hosted in conjunction with Corrs Chambers Westgarth.

The 2023 Oration will be delivered by Nick McKenzie, a highly decorated Australian investigative journalist who is a fourteen-time winner of the Walkley Award and four-time Australian Journalist of the Year. The topic of the 2023 Oration is: “Journalism, Democracy, and the Rule of Law”.

The International Commission of Jurists has at the heart of its mission the advancement of human rights through the upholding of the rule of law. Nick McKenzie’s reporting – including on allegations of war crimes, corruption in public office, and foreign interference in Australian politics – has significant overlap with this mission, and underscores the critical relationship between transparency, robust independent media, and the rule of law.

The Oration will be followed by a cocktail reception.

To register, please complete the below registration form to include any dietary or accessibility requirements, and submit questions for the Q&A.

Event information

Date: Thursday 30 November 2023

Time: 5.30 pm AEDT arrival for a 6.00 pm AEDT oration

Location: Corrs Chambers Westgarth Level 25, 567 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Section 2 Title

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